Thursday, September 24, 2009

still learning

Well I haven't had time to read/learn anymore about this blogging-but I am going to a local Tweetup with my Twitter friends tomorrow night, several of them have their own blogs so I plan to take notes!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

the middle of the week

It's the middle of the week--the time I try and decide what the weekend will be.. This one is going to involve helping out at my brothers place..or rather watching the guys work while we hang out in the house and get the lunch ready..

I would like to go to the fabric store at some point..I have some ideas and I need to pick up a few things. I saw some awesome trays online yesterday made of old picture frames and beadboard @ 320 *sycamore's blog very cool idea, I found her when I went to Rhoda's blog -Southern Hospitality she was having a Beadboard Party, she had lots of fellow bloggers check in and post their ideas.

Speaking of that (bloggers) I need to do some reading and figure out how all this works, so that I can link to other bloggers sites so you can see their great ideas too.

Cleaning out our room is next major hurdle I have to accomplish here.. I have a beautiful vanity I found at an adorable antique store here in town that I need to make room for. I have always wanted one of these and have looked on and off for years..this one was just calling my name..and I couldn't resist!! My sister-in-law went with me and she gave me a beautiful old vanity set to go with it...I will add those pictures later, along with a pretty set I got at Ebay.

Life to the Full Colorful Collection Kitchen & Tableware

Life to the Full Colorful Collection Kitchen & Tableware

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Blog is Born

Ok -So this is my very first blog! I know you're saying everyone has a blog..well..I didn't and truly I am not sure what I am going to have on mine..
I love Coffee, I love to sew and I am hoping to maybe share some of that..I am always looking for new and creative crafty ideas..I would like to re-do some rooms in my house--that should provide lots of laughs!!
I love going on vacation--in fact that is the only reason I see for having a save money for vacation!! I will probably include some posts on that front also.
So.. wish me luck!! I am going to watch the video How-To on this blogging thing and try and learn as I go. I hope I can make this something interesting to read along with your favorite cup of coffee!!
Stop back by-pull up a chair and pour yourself a cup-
The coffee is always on...
Have a great day...